About me

     I was born in a small town on the northern, green, rainy and beautiful Spanish coast. Already as a kid, I had a fascination for nature, the oceans, investigation and conservation. My mom tells how my siblings ran away scared when I was coming back from the rocks in the beach with my bare hands full of crabs… or how she was going crazy cleaning the house because there was a bad smell… She finally found out that it was related to ‘my nature collection’. The crown of the collection, a dead lizard I had just found close to the house, this was the smelly tracer she could follow to my drawer.

     Few years later, I decided to deepen my knowledge about living beings and started reading the ‘Encyclopaedia of Natural History’. After volume I (mammals), I stopped; it was kind of a dry reading for a 9-10 year old. That reading did not discourage me, I kept reading popular science magazines and when time arrived, I chose Natural Sciences at high school. The choice for university studies was not as easy, biology, geology, chemistry? (sport?). Why not something integrating lots of them? Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences?

     My passion for the ocean weighted and I went for the last. I had loved creatures in my childhood, geology and chemistry showed intriguing at high school. At university, physics enchanted me as well: physical oceanography, ocean currents, wow! Amazing! So I picked up the speciality ‘Non-living resources’. I did a master in Coastal Geosciences and Engineering in Kiel and a PhD in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, which was my field of investigation for over 15 years. I have also engaged in science communication, particularly through storytelling about climate change. 

    Researching about past ocean circulation and climates has been intriguing. This discipline is fundamental to understand Earth's climate development and shows the undeniable existence of the current human-made climate change. It is time to act. For this reason I decided to direct my profesional time to climate protection adn work since September 2023 as Climate Protection Manager for the city Delmenhorst.

Nov. 2020- Jan. 2022: Project Development Environment-Energy-Sustainability (Projektentwicklung Umwelt-Energie-Nachhaltigkeit) (12-month course, 3-month internship). Akademie für Weiterbildung, Universität Bremen, Germany


PhD in Environmental Sciences:

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona Catalonia, Spain


Expert course (online 270 h, 6 months) in

Climate Change, Environmental

Economy and Legislation

EUDE, European Business School

Madrid, Spain


Diploma de Estudios Avanzados, DEA. Tesina

Master of Sciences

Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona Catalonia, Spain


Master of Sciences

Coastal Geosciences and Engineering

Coastal Research Laboratory (CORELAB) University of Kiel

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Bachelor's Degree

Marine Sciences

University of Vigo

Galicia, Spain


High School

     Instituto Carmen y

        Severo Ochoa de Albornoz

         Luarca, Asturias, Spain

Learning is a never-ending aspect of life, I keep learning by doing expert and soft-skills courses and I have done teaching myself. You can see a list of the courses I have taken and given so far in the long version of my CV


 September 2023 - present

Climate Protection Manager

City of Delmenhorst                           

 May 2022 - Juli 2023

Science coordinator

Helmoltz Institut for Functional Marine Biodiversity

at the University of Oldenburg                           

 January 2017 - present

Coordinating the project

Once upon a time... a scientific fairy tale                            

Awards & Grants

(selection, see long CV for complete list)

April 2019

Grant for the development of 'Once Upon a Time... a Scientific Fairy Tale. Volume II'. CERFA-Científicos Españoles en la República Federal Alemana and Ramón Areces Foundation.

September 2017

Project 'Once Upon a Time... a Scientific Fairy Tale' (Volume I) one of the winners of the competition 'Show your Science' from  the initiative Wissenschaft im Dialog from the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

February 2014

Deutsche Forschungsgemeninschaft (DFG) researcher own position grant.

October 2011

Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

December 2004

Student Poster Price at the 8th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Biarritz, France.

June 1995

Extraordinary High School Award of the Province of Asturias, Spain.

Download my CV here

 July 2018 - December 2019



Für Polar und Meeresforschung

Bremerhaven, Germany

 September 2010 - December  2017


MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

Bremen, Germany

May-June 2010

Freelance Analyst

Processing marine samples for the Universities of

Barcelona (Spain) and Utrecht (The Netherlands)

March-September 2009

Fishing Observer in traditional fishing ships

Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Málaga, Spain

Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IEO

July 2008

Collaboration in the project:

Follow up of the Experience of Grey Water re-use in Sant Cugat

Institute of Environmental Science and Technology

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Institut de Ciència y Tecnologia Ambientals, ICTA

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB


Researcher in formation (PhD)

Universitat de Barcelona (UB) (2003-2005)

ICTA-UAB, Barcelona, Spain (2005-2008)

Agost-December 2002

Researcher Associate

Coastal Research Laboratory (CORELAB)

Kiel, Germany

March 2001-July 2002

Laboratory work student (Hiwi)

Department of Paleoceanonography, GEOMAR

Kiel, Germany